After I made the first animatic i relalized that the amount of animation that need to be done would be a huge amount, so i locked myself up and began the time my thought was that i "rather pull off a good animation than do a little of everthing and not finish anything at all". But the concecuences of this is that you get caught up on one thing and by the end of it the quality begins to decay. I began painting the backgrounds which i still havent finished because of extra animation i have been developing.
Slowly the animation jumped from 2.30 min to 3 min not including titles.
The idea of the animation is to tell the story in minimal movement, and the movement animated trying to be as smooth as possible. Making the backgrounds interesting and busy to tell the story.
Music wise, we have gone different ways with it, constatly discovering alternative ways to help tell the stry with sound. We are currently working on the final track which has a completly different approach to the one set in the last animatic psted on the blog.
At the moment I have finished all the important animation and only some backgrounds and still images are missing. I am exporting the animation with a green background and keying it out so i can compostie i all in Adobe Affter Effects, all the backgrounds are made in Adobe Photoshop so that i can play with the layers and mix it with the animation.
What has been frustrating me is not having the right tools to be able to work fluently on the project.
I have come to realize is that if i would've known most of what i know now from the very start of the project i would have aproached most of the animation differently.
Edward Rocha