Thursday, July 22, 2010

These are the first versions for the music of the animation. The idea behind the music is to enhance the emotions that are in the story. Mixing environment with music.

Music Composer: Raul Cueto

This first One is an idea for the opening. The problem with this one was the monotony in the rhythm but style wise it isn't far from what we are looking for.
What we are looking for is the concept of innocence, space, travel, discovery.

We decided that the flute would come in later in the animation and not at the very start, considering that it is a very important element in the short.
For the next version Raul intends to mix environment sounds with the music to gain space and wilderness.

This song is for the middle of the animation and the initial encounter with the Blackberry monster. It nails the style but not the emotion at this stage. There still needs more melody into it.
Concept: Sadness, fantasy, hidden.

Other alternatives to the music, I like the flute. But obviously there is a lot of work to be done on the music and sound to get it right.

I believe that there is nothing worse than to get the music wrong on the animation, it could lead to a total failure. So we are giving our best shot at this.

I am very pleased to where we are headed with the music, the style is right on track and mixes well with the animation.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of animation here, I like them. It's Xia here. Just stopping by and checking the blog around. Keep up the good work! ART! Cheers :)
