Friday, September 16, 2011

Stress is overwhelming!

Ok, I know this is like 2 weeks off, but truth is didn't have much to upload. Since I have been working non stop on the scenes. Today I only have 3 Shots left and I am done with the animation. It will be complete!, but from next week I begin the coloring process.

Backgrounds are being a pain atm, coz don't have someone to do'em for me, so if I don't get anyone soon I'll have to speed things up and do them myself in a week.

Yesterday I got a new draft of the music, but went a bit off what I was hoping so they happily went and kept working on it.

Over the weekend I'll finish off another running comp, more complete with some new shots I finished.

goodbye for now...

I know how you feel john...I feel the same way about you...


  1. EDDDDD - this is g-r-e-a-t!!! - is he pulling his hair out???? - man, this is funny as! :) i love the anticipating pose, it's unreal!

    Good job my man!
