scene 1
ext. garden - day
JOHN stands next to a beautiful young orchid-like flower in his garden that stands tall right under a big tree, beside him is his daughter ALICE.
She holds on to a small teddy bear and looks puzzled
John is holding a garden watering can in one hand and the other behind his back, he shakes his head in disapproval throws it away the watering can and from behind his back bring in a small box and shows it to his daughter, like a telemarketing ad.
The box says "SPRINKLER 3000" and has an image of a happy man with his new gadget, a small futuristic looking sprinkler, holds it for a second before ripping away the front, revealing the contents.
John pulls out his new sprinkler and it's remote control, and drops the box. Puts the sprinkler in place right next to his special flowers.
Alice is intrigued
He clicks a hose onto the end of the sprinkler.
Then clicks the hose onto a tap.
John picks up his daughter and walks get off the grass onto a gravel path.
He leaves her on the ground and they both look towards the orchid-like flower with the proud sprinkler standing next to it.
John, very theatrical, turns the dial on the remote to a low watering setting and presses the button.
The sprinkler begins to water the Orchid-like flower in a stylish way.
John looks back at his daughter and gives her a 'what do you think? ah?' laugh.
Being even more of a show off he turns the dial even more to a medium water level.
Alice looks and contemplates in awe, turns to her father then back to the garden where she notices that something has happened.
John turns towards the garden, a squirt of water goes flying passed him, he just manages to dodge it.
(Foley: Cat screaming and cans mashing) John covers his face protecting himself from what just happened, a rake goes flying passed his head which he manages to dodge. He gives a 'that was close' gesture.
He fixes his glasses cleans his shirt and gives a slight grin to his daughter.
As john is just about to speak when a strong squirt of water hits him on the face which makes him fall to the ground, he quickly stands back up looking back at the faulty sprinkler in anger.
He looks at the remote control, electric sparks come out of it, it's wet.
He walks right up to the sprinkler and stares in an intimidating way right into it which turns off.
John turns the dial once more but now to a High water level and just when he is going to press the button another squirt attacks him.
He cleans his face and glasses and stares back at the sprinkler, which squirts a tiny bit of water.
John stands back up and turns to walk towards his daughter but does not notice a rake that was lying on the grass which hits him straight on the face.
he picks it up.
John is angry now and marches up to his daughter with the rake in one hand and presses the button, but nothing happens, he shakes the wet remote control and presses it again, but still nothing happens.
Now at his boiling point he walks quickly back at the sprinkler with the rake, he intends to hit the sprinkler with it when a strong squirt of water explodes that throws him into the tree just above (Foley: Sound of screeching Cat). the rake flies away.
Alice jumps in surprise.
John is trapped in the tree, with the cat clinged on his face in fear, he tears the cat off his face. He looks back down at the sprinkler, pulls out the button and presses it as hard as he can.
scene 2
EXT. neighborhood Street - Day
A huge water explosion is seen in the distance, like an atomic bomb.
ext. garden - day
(FOLEY: Cartoon fall) John falls in front of his daughter all dirty and wet, with one of the flowers sticking out of his head. Alice is as dirty and wet as he is. She looks like a cranky drowned rat.
Alice pulls out her soaking teddy bear and flaps it in front of his father and walks away.
She then brings back the watering can and waters the orchid-like flower on her dad's head, kicks the can away and walks back to the house very angry.
John sighs. the flower falls off his head.
end of scene
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