Thursday, July 22, 2010

Music Composer: Raul Cueto

The next two approaches are different, but very close to what we intend to have on the short.
The first one is the opening, the emotions are there and believe that there is a bit more tweaking to do. The Drums that come in by the middle of the song gives the sense of moving forward. And the bird sounds with the wind blowing in the back ground just nails it. I'm loving it so far.
The second one is for the scene when the Monster walks into his cave and has some time to himself, the style is there, but instead of the sadness feeling we are getting a more of a mystery one. But close enough.

Can't wait for the next round of songs.

The music has to tell a story by it's own, and that is what I would like to make unique in the animation. Still there are some sounds to add, and also decide on moments of silence within the short. since silence IS music by it self if you know where to put it.

These are the first versions for the music of the animation. The idea behind the music is to enhance the emotions that are in the story. Mixing environment with music.

Music Composer: Raul Cueto

This first One is an idea for the opening. The problem with this one was the monotony in the rhythm but style wise it isn't far from what we are looking for.
What we are looking for is the concept of innocence, space, travel, discovery.

We decided that the flute would come in later in the animation and not at the very start, considering that it is a very important element in the short.
For the next version Raul intends to mix environment sounds with the music to gain space and wilderness.

This song is for the middle of the animation and the initial encounter with the Blackberry monster. It nails the style but not the emotion at this stage. There still needs more melody into it.
Concept: Sadness, fantasy, hidden.

Other alternatives to the music, I like the flute. But obviously there is a lot of work to be done on the music and sound to get it right.

I believe that there is nothing worse than to get the music wrong on the animation, it could lead to a total failure. So we are giving our best shot at this.

I am very pleased to where we are headed with the music, the style is right on track and mixes well with the animation.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Pencil Tests and Final Result

I proceeded to animate the characters and here are a couple of pencil tests...

For inspiration I watched Hayao Miyasaki's Spirited Away, great reference for a little girl aswell as movements and colours.

And this next one has the background incorporated to it...and gives the feel on how it will look together, which i am quite happy with.

Animatic Version 2

Once I completed some of the backgrounds I proceeded to add them to the animatic....
The original idea for the look of the animation is as if its being told from an old book, hence the look to the scenes and the feeling of worn out pages.

. came the first animatic, with a sound tryout....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Preproduction - Backgrounds

I was very happy with the end result for the backgrounds, these two are only part of a series of backgrounds already done. They are painted in Photoshop and divided into layers, that way i am able to edit it when ever i need and also play with layers when composing.

Preproduction - Blackberry Monster Animation

Concept Art for the Animation and initial sketches of the characters. A lot of the initial color tests and lighting tests came from actual references, mainly photographs and paintings which i thought helped on the mood i would like the animation to have.

First Sketch of the blackberry monster, done back in 2006.
The moment I decided to animate this character I imediatly thought on narrowing down lines and turning him into basic shapes for him to be animatable.

This final image is the finished look of the animation, gives the mood i've been looking for.