The next two approaches are different, but very close to what we intend to have on the short.
The first one is the opening, the emotions are there and believe that there is a bit more tweaking to do. The Drums that come in by the middle of the song gives the sense of moving forward. And the bird sounds with the wind blowing in the back ground just nails it. I'm loving it so far.
The second one is for the scene when the Monster walks into his cave and has some time to himself, the style is there, but instead of the sadness feeling we are getting a more of a mystery one. But close enough.
Can't wait for the next round of songs.
The music has to tell a story by it's own, and that is what I would like to make unique in the animation. Still there are some sounds to add, and also decide on moments of silence within the short. since silence IS music by it self if you know where to put it.