Thursday, September 29, 2011


A great background artist from France is doing some backgrounds for me...these are a couple of concepts she sent me ....

her blog:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Final Running Comp #11

So I have finished all the animation and have fixed a few things here and there...If I have time after the coloring stage I will revisit a few details in the animation.

Friday, September 16, 2011

And another

And another....

Stress is overwhelming!

Ok, I know this is like 2 weeks off, but truth is didn't have much to upload. Since I have been working non stop on the scenes. Today I only have 3 Shots left and I am done with the animation. It will be complete!, but from next week I begin the coloring process.

Backgrounds are being a pain atm, coz don't have someone to do'em for me, so if I don't get anyone soon I'll have to speed things up and do them myself in a week.

Yesterday I got a new draft of the music, but went a bit off what I was hoping so they happily went and kept working on it.

Over the weekend I'll finish off another running comp, more complete with some new shots I finished.

goodbye for now...

I know how you feel john...I feel the same way about you...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Final Running Comp!

OK finally here is the final running comp!


This past week I have been busy with all the details, I have noticed that the more I do it the quicker and better it gets.

Here goes the DVD cover for Sprinkle me silly, most likely I will do a few vector art for the final credits of the animation...

"Educacion es un derecho, no un privilegio! (my sympathy for the students in Chile and their fight for their" rights)

Color test

So it has been impossible to upload the new running edit...internet is baaad...

here is the color test I did last week, which I am feeling it is very close to how i want it to look

I had a chat to Bernardo Tobias, the musician I am working with, on Friday and nailed down a few notes we had regarding the music... he's gone up to Sydney so it's gonna be a bit complicated to schedule and work but its possible...