Monday, August 29, 2011

Final Running Comp!

OK finally here is the final running comp!


This past week I have been busy with all the details, I have noticed that the more I do it the quicker and better it gets.

Here goes the DVD cover for Sprinkle me silly, most likely I will do a few vector art for the final credits of the animation...

"Educacion es un derecho, no un privilegio! (my sympathy for the students in Chile and their fight for their" rights)

Color test

So it has been impossible to upload the new running edit...internet is baaad...

here is the color test I did last week, which I am feeling it is very close to how i want it to look

I had a chat to Bernardo Tobias, the musician I am working with, on Friday and nailed down a few notes we had regarding the music... he's gone up to Sydney so it's gonna be a bit complicated to schedule and work but its possible...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Running Comp

I 've finished on Alice and on John all the main animation and some of the details... I finished off a running comp with all the timing checked, it works for me and to others to whom I have showed it to...

now that I have done the final running comp it's clearer now what things I have to tweak and change, nothing big...

*Having internet problems - will upload the running comp asap.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Alice Animation

80% done on Alice, I have done most of her detail work so once I enter the next stage of the detailing I wont need to go over her.

Color thinking:

I think if I paint everything in flash frame by frame will be quicker and easier, but how do you get the watercolor feel to a vectorized color?? hmmm...with an after effects effect of course.... Havent done a test yet, but will do in the coming week.

what I have done so far on Alice:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ok so this is 2 weeks worth of posting...

I have been working nonstop on John's animation for the past 3 months, and I have almost finished it all. At the moment I am up to the stage where I am finishing off Alice's rough animation to later get into the detailing process.

According to my schedule I should finish everything by the end of October, giving me roughly a week or two to finish any details. At the moment I am running ahead of the schedule and should finish Alice in the next week or so.

Music and backgrounds begin on the last week of august.

Pretty happy how I have confronted this project compared to last year's.

I would like to add afew more camera shots, just as stills so it can be a bit more dynamic. but all in time really. So for now I am more concerned on having a nice and smooth running comp.

The mock up that I have uploaded has only some of the animation I have finished, next week I should have an updated version with alice and some new animation on John.