Sunday, September 19, 2010

Closing In.

One of two of the shots done so far, all composited using Photoshop and After Effects.
The results will be pleasing...

I certainly am very pleased.

The Technical Side of it all

There is no coming in and animating before you have gone through all the technical side first and work out how will you achieve the right format for your movie.

Last week I struggled with the aspect ratio, the fps on different programs, codecs, Hd and bla bla bla... probably my biggest mistake was not asking the right questions at the right time.

I have learnt new skills in various programs that would have relieved me from weeks of work and stress through out the process of this movie.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Green Screening the Sequences

The Next step in the production is to get the Green screen done for each sequence of animation, this way i can Chroma key it in after effects and begin the composing stage. Each of the backgrounds have been done in photoshop so it will be easy to play around with the layers and generate a nice look to the animation.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My contribution to the Tim Burton Exhibition =P

Ambience Sounds

This the animatic with ambience sounds. Many of it will be updated and reaseached. Like the sound during the day suits more a summer day than that of a winter one, and extra soundsto enhance the narrative.

Sound design Raul Cueto :